We bring the following information to the attention of users and visitors to our site :


The leclairlogis.com site is the exclusive property of SASU HOTEL CLAIR LOGIS which publishes it.

Legal information

Owner status: professional


Owner’s postal address: 78 Route nationale – 66700 ARGLES-SUR-MER

E-mail: hotelclairlogis66@gmail.com / Phone: +33 (0) 6 99 75 79 43

SIRET 930 123 146 00027

The Creator of the site is: YANACOM – 232 Rue Beau de Rochas – Espace Polygone – 66000 PERPIGNAN

The Webmaster is: YANACOM – 232 Rue Beau de Rochas – Espace Polygone – 66000 PERPIGNAN

The site host is: OVH – 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix


Presentation and principle

Hereinafter user is any Internet user connecting and using the aforementioned site : https://www.leclairlogis.com

The leclairlogis.com site brings together a set of services made available to users. It is specified here that the latter must remain courteous and demonstrate good faith.

SASU HOTEL CLAIR LOGIS strives to provide the most precise information possible on the leclairlogis.com site, but cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the information disseminated on its site, whether it is from its own made or due to third party partners who provide this information. Consequently, the user acknowledges using this given information (for information only, not exhaustive and subject to change) under his exclusive responsibility.



The leclairlogis.com site is in principle accessible to users 24 / 24h, 7 / 7d, except interruption, scheduled or not, for the needs of its maintenance or in case of force majeure. If access to the service is not possible, leclairlogis.com undertakes to do its utmost to restore access to the service. Being subject only to an obligation of means, leclairlogis.com cannot be held responsible for any damage, whatever its nature, resulting from the unavailability of the service.


Intellectual property

LE CLAIR LOGIS is the exclusive owner of all intellectual property rights or holds the rights of use on all the elements accessible on the site, both on the structure and on the texts, images, graphics, logo, icons, sounds, software …

Any total or partial reproduction of the leclairlogis.com site, representation, modification, publication, total or partial adaptation of any of these elements, whatever the means or process used, is prohibited without the prior written consent of SAS DVL HOTEL. CLAIR LOGIS, owner of the site. Otherwise, it will be considered as constituting an infringement and liable to prosecution in accordance with the provisions of Articles L.335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.


                                                               OUR ESTABLISHMENT RESPECTS YOUR PRIVACY


As part of the use of its services accessible on its website and mobile application, LE CLAIR LOGIS may collect and process personal data concerning you.

We are committed to respecting the rules for protecting the privacy of visitors to our website and its mobile application. All the processing of personal data implemented within the framework of the accessible services complies with the applicable regulations on the protection of personal data and in particular the provisions of the “Data Protection Act” and the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).


LE CLAIR LOGIS undertakes to guarantee a high level of protection of the personal data of its customers, users of its website and mobile application, as well as of any other person whose personal data it processes.

LE CLAIR LOGIS undertakes to comply with the regulations which apply to all the data processing it implements :

  • your personal data is processed in a lawful, transparent and legitimate manner ;
  • your personal data are stored in a relevant manner and are limited to what is necessary for the purposes for which they are processed.

LE CLAIR LOGIS implements appropriate technical and organizational measures to guarantee a level of security adapted to the risk inherent in its processing operations, comply with regulatory requirements and protect the rights and data of the people concerned.


LE CLAIR LOGIS may need to directly collect the following categories of personal data :

  • personal contact details such as your name, first name, age, your e-mail address, postal address and your telephone      number (s) ;
  • banking information relating to payment when a reservation is made.

We may also collect personal data about you indirectly when you share content on social networks, websites, or applications, relating to our services.


Means of collecting your data

As part of our relationships, you are likely to communicate your personal data to us by various means: our site, its mobile application, by filling out the reservation form, when you post comments on our pages or on social networks.

IP adress

The IP address is automatically assigned to your computer by your internet service provider each time you connect. With each of your requests on the site, our servers record the trace of your passage. We do not transmit any information that can identify you, which means that your session will be recorded, but will remain anonymous to us. We may use your IP address in cooperation with your internet service provider to identify you in the event that we need to apply the terms of use to protect our services, customers or to comply with applicable laws.


In order to constantly improve the quality of the services offered on our site, LE CLAIR LOGIS may use “cookies”, text files serving to identify your terminal when you connect to one of our services. The deposit of cookies or tracers on your terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) allows CLAIR LOGIS to collect information and personal data according to how you configure your terminal.

Types of cookies used :

  • Cookies essential for the use of the site. They allow you to use the main functionalities of the site, the reservation of services for example. By deactivating the use of cookies, you will no longer be able to benefit from these functions in an optimal way. The stored information cannot be used for commercial purposes.
  • Functionality cookies. These cookies allow the site to remember the choices you have made (such as your username, the language chosen or the region where you are) and provide more precise and personal characteristics. The information collected by these cookies may be anonymized and cannot track your browsing activity on other sites. By using our website, you agree to receive this type of cookies on your device.
  • Advertising marketing cookies. These cookies collect information about your Internet browsing habits in order to offer you advertisements that are tailored to you and correspond to your areas of interest. They are usually installed by advertising networks with the permission of the website operator. Targeted or advertising cookies are often linked to site functionality provided by the partner company. No personal data is collected and an individual cannot be identified through the data collected.
  • Cookies from third party websites and social networks. Our website contains links and / or content to other sites and / or social networks, and we do not know which cookies are used by these. To learn more, please see the information provided by these third-party sites and social networks on their own cookies.

Respect for your privacy

We are committed to protecting your privacy and respect the following two principles:

We do not associate any information with your cookies that can directly and personally identify you. Cookies do not allow you to know your address, date of birth, phone number or any other information that identifies you.

We do not provide any personal information to advertisers or to third party sites that display our ads based on your interests.

For more information on how cookies and targeted advertising work, you can consult the website of the National Commission for Information Technology and Freedoms (NCITF) 

Links to third party sites

Our site contains links to third party websites. We are not responsible for the collection, use, management, sharing or disclosure of data and information by these third parties. The communication of information on third-party sites is governed by the privacy policy and terms of use of those sites. We recommend that you read the privacy policies of those websites before submitting any personal information.


Your data is mainly used for the purpose of booking and purchasing services. The processing of your data for the various purposes mentioned above is in particular necessary for :

  • ensure the execution of the service contract ;
  • comply with a legal obligation ;
  • facilitate the completion of administrative formalities relating to reservation and purchase.



LE CLAIR LOGIS undertakes to store your personal data for a period that does not exceed that required for the purposes for which they are processed. The retention periods are defined according to the processing purposes implemented by LE CLAIR LOGIS and in particular take into account the applicable legal provisions, any applicable limitation periods as well as the recommendations of the National Commission for Information Technology and Freedoms (NCITF) concerning certain categories of data processing.


The data collected on our site and its mobile application are only likely to be communicated to our internal staff, as part of the performance of the targeted services.


In accordance with the applicable regulations on the protection of personal data, you can exercise your rights of access, rectification or deletion of data concerning you at any time, as well as your rights to limit and oppose the processing of your data. personal.

In this context, we ask you to accompany your request (by post or electronically) with the elements necessary for your identification (name, first name, e-mail) as well as any other information necessary to confirm your identity. You also have a right of appeal to the National Commission for Computing and Liberties in the event of a violation of the applicable regulations on the protection of Personal Data and in particular the GDPR.


Ensuring the security and confidentiality of personal data that you entrust to us is a priority for LE CLAIR LOGIS. We implement all the technical and organizational measures necessary to preserve the security of your personal data. We offer you a secure online payment system using the latest technologies.


LE CLAIR LOGIS reserves the right to adapt the personal data protection policy and to correct, at any time and without notice, the content of this site.

                                                                           WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONFIDENCE

Article 1 – Identification of the author of the offer


Owner’s postal address : 78 Route Nationale – 66700 ARGLES-SUR-MER

E-mail : hotelclairlogis66@gmail.com

Phone : +33 (0) 6 99 75 79 43

SIRET 930 123 146 00027

Article 2 – Fields of application

These General Conditions of Sale apply, without restriction or reservation, to any purchase of the room reservation services offered to its customers by the Hotel CLAIR LOGIS. The main services are presented on the hotel’s website. The fact that the customer makes a reservation on the Hotel’s website implies full acceptance and acceptance of these general conditions of sale and obligation to pay for the services ordered, which is expressly recognized by the customer.

It is brought to the attention of the client that the Hotel CLAIR LOGIS concludes partnership agreements with dedicated platforms in order to allow him, by using the services offered by these partners on their website, to search, select and book rooms in the hotel. Any reservation of hotel rooms made under these conditions implies full and unreserved consultation and acceptance by the customer of the special conditions of the service provider, of the conditions of sale of the reserved rate and of these general conditions of sale. The customer declares to have obtained from the hotel all the necessary information available on the website. These general conditions are accessible at any time on the website of the Hotel CLAIR LOGIS and will prevail, where applicable, over any other version or any other contradictory document.

Unless proven otherwise, the data recorded in the service provider’s computer system constitutes proof of all transactions concluded with the customer. Thus, entering banking information, accepting general conditions of sale, conditions of sale or reservation request, between Hotel CLAIR LOGIS and the customer, has the same value as a handwritten signature on paper. The computerized registers kept in the hotel’s computer systems will be kept under reasonable security conditions and considered as proof of communication, ordering and payment between the hotel and the customer.

The customer is informed that his IP address is recorded at the time of booking. In accordance with the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, the customer has, at any time, a right of access, rectification, and opposition to all of his personal data by writing by mail and justifying of its identity at : HOTEL CLAIR LOGIS – 78 Route Nationale – 66700 ARGLES-SUR-MER

These general conditions may be subject to subsequent modifications, the version applicable to the customer’s purchase is that in force on the website on the date of the reservation. These general conditions of sale are applicable while the services offered by the hotel are online on the hotel’s website, which reserves the right to temporarily or permanently close access to its website.

Article 3 – Capacity

The client acknowledges having the legal capacity to contract, that is to say having the legal majority and not being under guardianship or guardianship. He also declares to use the site in accordance with these general conditions of sale, in his name and / or in the name and / or on behalf of all the beneficiaries of the services ordered by him on the site, and to whom these general conditions of sale will be opposable.

The customer is financially responsible for the use of the site made both in his name and on behalf of beneficiaries, unless he can demonstrate fraudulent use not resulting from any fault or negligence on his part.

The customer guarantees the veracity and accuracy of the information provided by him in his name and / or in the name and / or on behalf of all beneficiaries using his data on the site.

Article 4 – Stages of the reservation

The customer selects the services he wishes to book on the Hotel CLAIR LOGIS website, as follows :

  • Selection of room type and price
  • Selection of ancillary services if applicable
  • Verification and validation of the detail of the reservation, the total amount of the reservation, the price conditions
  • Indication of contact details
  • Entering the details of his bank card in case of guarantee or prepayment
  • Consultation and acceptance of the general conditions of sale and the conditions of the rate selected prior to the validation of his reservation
  • Confirmation of your reservation

The booked stay is definitively acquired by the customer only after receipt of the confirmation (or the actual debit of his credit card).

For each reservation, and if the customer uses a dedicated platform, a reservation number is issued, which will allow the customer’s reservation to be canceled, if necessary (note, in the event of online payment, no cancellation, modification, or no refund will be possible).

The customer acknowledges having taken cognizance of the nature, destination and reservation methods of the services offered by the hotel and having requested and obtained the information necessary to make their reservation in full knowledge of the facts. He is solely responsible for his choice of services and their suitability for his needs, so that the hotel cannot be held liable in this regard. The Customer agrees to complete the information requested on the reservation request and certifies the veracity and accuracy of the information transmitted.

For reservations made exclusively on the internet, the registration of a reservation on the service provider’s site is made when the customer accepts these general conditions of sale and validates his reservation. The customer has the possibility to check the details of his reservation, its total price and to correct any errors before confirming his acceptance (article 1127-2 of the Civil Code). This validation implies acceptance of all of these general conditions of sale and constitutes proof of the contract of sale. It is therefore the customer’s responsibility to verify the accuracy of the reservation and to immediately report any errors. The sale of services will only be considered final after sending the customer confirmation of the acceptance of the reservation by the service provider, by email and / or after receipt by the latter of the full price and / or a deposit.

The Hotel reserves the right to cancel or refuse any reservation from a client with whom there is a dispute relating to the payment of a previous reservation and / or who would make fraudulent use of the site or who would violate these general conditions. of sale.

Each reservation is personal and cannot under any circumstances be transferred to a third party. The number of guests in the rooms cannot exceed the number of people reserved.

Article 5 – Withdrawal & Modification of a reservation

Pursuant to the provisions of article L 121-21-8 of the Consumer Code, the services offered on the hotel website are not subject to the application of the right of withdrawal provided for in articles L. 121-21 and following of the consumer code for distance selling.

The contract is therefore concluded definitively as soon as the reservation is made by the customer. Consequently, the services ordered on the site are exclusively subject to the cancellation and modification conditions provided for in these general conditions of sale and the customer will not be able to invoke the right of withdrawal.

Any request to modify a reservation must be made as soon as possible and at the latest :

In low and mid season (except periods of trade fairs and special events): at least 24 hours before the start of the stay.

During high season and trade fair periods: at least 48 hours before the start of the stay.

During special events, this deadline is extended to 72 hours.

In the event of the client’s no-show at the hotel and in the absence of cancellation, the amount received from the reservation will be retained by the hotel in the event of a reservation.

In addition, for a stay of at least 2 nights, in the event of the client’s no-show on the first day of the stay, the hotel is not required to keep the room for the remainder of the stay.

Article 6 – Prices & Invoice

The prices are expressed in Euros and including all taxes. These prices are firm and cannot be revised during their period of validity, the service provider reserving the right, outside this period of validity, to modify the prices at any time.

The prices are indicated before and during the reservation made by the customer. They are per room for the number of people and the period selected. They take into account the VAT at the rate applicable on the day of the reservation; any change in the rate applicable to VAT will automatically be reflected in the rates indicated on the invoice date. The same will apply to any modification or introduction of new legal or regulatory taxes imposed by the competent authorities.

The rates do not include the tourist tax that the customer agrees to pay directly on site to the Hotel, without any dispute. The payment requested from the customer therefore corresponds to the total amount of the purchase, except for this tax.

No stay booked before the establishment of a possible promotional offer will be refunded, even partial.

On request, an invoice is drawn up by the service provider and given to the customer.

Article 7 – To have

In accordance with the general conditions of sale of our establishment, the validity period of a credit note is 1 year (one year).

Article 8 – Terms of payment

Depending on the type of reservation made, the price is payable in whole or in part either at the time of placing the order or upon the customer’s arrival at the establishment.

In all cases and in order to guarantee his reservation, the customer is asked to communicate his credit card number, the transmission being done by secure mode.

In the event of payment at the time of placing the order, the credit card information transmitted by the customer, through a secure system, makes it possible to debit the card for the total or partial amount of the stay, always in a secure manner. The customer’s bank account is debited on the day of the order, the invoice being sent to the customer on the day of his departure from the hotel and at his request. Please also note that the hotel reserves the right to pre-authorize your credit card at any time prior to arrival. The customer may also be asked to present an identity document as part of the procedures for preventing bank card fraud.

In the event that, for any reason whatsoever, the debit of amounts owed by the customer would prove impossible, the sale made would be immediately aborted by operation of law and the electronic purchase process canceled.

Article 9 – Bank details

Our partner is the only one, through his secure space, to know and keep the customer’s banking information. This information does not pass in any way on the CLAIR LOGIS site.

It is recalled that the customer has a period varying according to the banks, to object to the use of his bank card, in the event of loss, theft or fraudulent use in application of article L 132-6 of the Monetary and Financial Code.

Article 10 – Services & Responsibilities

The services reserved by the customer, which include hotel room reservation services and ancillary services will be provided in accordance with the following terms and conditions provided for in these general conditions of sale, which the customer has read and accepted when registering. reservation on the hotel website.

The Hotel CLAIR LOGIS is a non-smoking area. The customer will be held responsible for direct and / or indirect, consequential damages resulting from the act of smoking in the hotel. He will therefore be liable for the full amount of the costs of cleaning and restoring the damaged item or space to its original state and will have to pay a penalty of 150 euros (one hundred and fifty euros). for any breach of this rule.

For hygiene reasons, animals are not allowed in the establishment.

The customer’s personal effects left in the hotel room, in particular outside the safe or in the public areas of the hotel, are their sole responsibility. The hotel cannot be held responsible for the loss, theft, deterioration or damage caused to said effects.

The customer accepts and agrees to use the room with due diligence. Also any behavior contrary to good morals and public order will cause the hotel to ask the customer to leave the establishment without any compensation and without any refund if a payment has already been made. In the event that no payment has yet been made, the customer must pay the price for the nights spent before leaving the establishment.

The customer will be held responsible for all direct and / or indirect, consequential damages of which he is the author, observed in the reserved room or which he could cause within the hotel. Consequently, he undertakes to compensate the hotel for the amount of said damages, without prejudice to any damages that may be due, legal costs and legal costs incurred by the hotel. As a last resort, the hotel reserves the right to ask the customer to leave the establishment without any compensation and without any reimbursement for the current stay.

WIFI access (paid or not) allowing guests to connect to the Internet may be offered according to the hotel’s policy in force. The customer agrees that the computer resources made available to him by the hotel will not be used for fraudulent purposes in any way. The customer is also required to comply with the security policy of the hotel’s internet service provider, including the rules for using the means of securing implemented in order to prevent the illicit use of resources. IT systems and to refrain from any act that undermines the effectiveness of these means.

The Customer is requested to plan for an arrival at the hotel between 4:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. and to notify the hotelier in the event of a late arrival, under penalty of being considered as not having shown up on the first day of the stay.

Unless expressly provided otherwise, the room must be vacated by the customer on the day of his departure by 10:30 am at the latest. Otherwise, an additional night will be billed to the customer. In the event of early departure, a charge equivalent to one night’s stay will be charged, unless the customer has notified the hotel at least 24 hours before departure.

Hotel CLAIR LOGIS undertakes to make its best efforts to provide the services reserved by the customer, within the framework of an obligation of means, and in accordance with the terms of these general conditions of sale. The services provided through the Hotel website comply with the regulations in force in France.

Article 11 – Relocation

In the event of an exceptional event, case of force majeure or the impossibility of making the reserved room available to the customer, the hotel reserves the possibility of having the customer fully or partially accommodated in a hotel of an equivalent category, for services of the same nature and subject to the prior agreement of the customer. The transfer will then be the responsibility of the hotelier, who cannot be sought in payment of any additional compensation.

Article 12 – Rooms

Our hotel has 14 rooms. Although we do not have rooms accessible to people with reduced mobility (PRM), we benefit from an exemption.

Article 13 – Complaints

Any complaint must be sent to CLAIR LOGIS by post to the following address :

SASU HOTEL CLAIR LOGIS – 78 Route Nationale – 66700 ARGLES-SUR-MER

or by email to the following address : hotelclairlogis66@gmail.com

The customer will have a period of 8 days from the date of his departure from the Hotel to express, in writing, any reservations or complaints concerning the provision of services, with all the relevant supporting documents, to the hotel. No complaint can be validly accepted in the event of non-compliance with these formalities and deadlines by the customer. In the absence of reservations or complaints expressly made within this period by the customer upon receipt of the services, they will be deemed to comply with the reservation, in quantity and quality.

After contacting the service after-sales, and in the absence of a satisfactory response or in the absence of a response within 60 days, the customer can contact the Tourism and Travel mediator free of charge, whose contact details and referral procedures are available on their website: www.mtv.travel

Article 14 – Applicable law and dispute resolution

These general conditions of sale are governed by French law. In the event that they are translated into one or more foreign languages, only the French text will prevail in the event of a dispute.

Article 15 – Miscellaneous provisions

These General Conditions of Sale constitute the entire agreement of the parties within the limits of its subject matter.

No tolerance, whatever its nature, extent, duration or frequency, can be considered as creating any right and can not lead to limit in any way whatsoever, the possibility of  » invoke each of the clauses of these general conditions of sale, at any time, without any restriction.

According to the decree published on August 8, 2021, new health measures are put in place from August 9, 2021 to slow down a strong resumption of the Covid-19 epidemic. As the bill has been known to everyone since the beginning of July, in the event of cancellation of a stay due to the lack of a health pass, no refund will be made. In addition, we cannot be held responsible, in the event of contamination during the customer’s stay, not being able to verify whether the barrier measures, outside the establishment, are respected by the latter. We are committed to putting in place and respecting the barrier measures as specified on the site https://www.gouvernement.fr/info-coronavirus, section “health instructions”.